The internet is full of inspiration and beautifully designed, good-quality fonts. But finding beautiful, well-designed fonts for free is not as easy. And if you are intending to use them for commercial use, it is even more difficult. However, Google Fonts has a plethora of free fonts that are available for commercial use. Their font selection also includes well-designed fonts that consider kerning and proportion. Here are 6 free fonts that will enhance your designs for commercial use.
Sans Serif
This font is great for body text. It is very legible in large amounts of text. It also a variable font and comes in 9 different weights ranging from thin to black. This font would be great for displaying a lot of information. For example, using it in body text on a brochure or on a poster. It has a more formal feeling to it, so it would be great for anything pertaining to education, finance, or any other content that is more serious in tone.
If you are looking for something more casual and less serious, Montserrat is a great option with similar readability qualities as Inter. It is easy to read in large amounts of text, which is great for using it in body text. It also has a wide range of weights as it is a variable font. There are 18 different weights ranging from thin to black. Since this font looks great on body text, it can also be used for projects that tend to have more copy, like brochures, posters, or even lookbooks. The roundness and wider proportions of the letters make it a great font that communicates openness and friendliness. It would look great for anything related to health and wellness.
Mono Fonts
Space mono
While this font looks pretty nice in body copy for a mono font, it looks best as a headline or subheadline. The unique qualities of this font really set it apart from other mono fonts on Google Fonts. From the angled descenders to the even proportions, this font will really elevate your design. Monospaced fonts tend to convey a sense of data and technology. Pair it with any topic ranging from science to technology. There are 4 weights ranging from regular to bold italic.
rubik mono one
This font is more limited in terms of its range. It only has one heavy weight and is also only in all caps. However, it is a beautiful display font. It is bold and has interesting proportions and negative space between the letters. This would be great for signage or posters with large text. This could be a great font to use for topics pertaining to activism or politics as well as any type of brand voice that is bold.
crimson text
This serif font is extremely versatile, as it is easy to read and digest. It has 6 weights ranging from regular to bold italic. It looks great in body text. The bolder weights and italics look great as headlines and subheadlines. There is a softness to the letters and the serifs that convey a sense of dignity. Crimson Text would be great for use on projects about literature or history.
playfair display
Playfair Display leans more toward being a display font as the name suggests. It has narrow letter proportions and high contrast, so viewing it in large amounts of body copy is a little more difficult. Instead, this font is a unique option for headlines and subheads. It has 12 weights ranging from Regular to Black Italic. It has a classic serif font feel, like Bodoni or Caslon, and could be used for content around current events or public programs.
Well-designed free fonts that are available for commercial use are hard to come by. But Google Fonts has great options to choose from. These 6 fonts are a great place to start when it comes to enhancing your design with free fonts.